Sunday, 21 August 2011

Where's Minecraft?

So a lot of people may be asking where the Minecraft LP is. Two words: Blame GOP.

Basically we made a test recording (which was basically me buttfucking his world with masses of TNT) and he's been having rendering problems with Sony Vegas so he is looking into alternative editing software.

So watch this space I guess...

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Missing videos? Longer times! Sort of update on Minecraft.

You may notice that a few older videos have gone missing. I decided to delete some content ID matching videos that I really didn't care about anymore. I'd been meaning to do so for a while now so I finally got round to it!

I kept two videos matching 3rd party content. These were the two I felt still had a place among my videos. The first video is the Legend of Miyamoto video I recorded from Newgrounds a while ago. The second video is The Fresh Prince of Subcon. This was my Fresh Prince of Bel Air mashup I made.

Any dedicates of my videos should notice which ones have gone missing.

After checking off those videos, I went to upload my update video announcing this blog properly and noticed that I have qualified for the unlimited time limit! That means I wont have to cut things from my Minecraft LP with GOP.

Speaking of which, we were discussing the LP today and we decided, rather than just stop at the nether, we'll carry on going until the 1.8 update when Minecraft gets it's complete makover. We'll also do a few episodes in the 1.8 update to show off the new stuff such as the Endermen, adventure mode, and the none-zombie pigmen NPCs (if they are actually added in).

Instead of making each episode a single day/night cycle, we've decided we'll set mini-targets for each episode and carry on filming until we've acomplished that episode's mini-target. We're going to start recording tomorrow, fingers crossed and will still be uploading weekly.

Monday, 15 August 2011

That's a very nice Let's Play you have there...

Well I might as well come out and say it. I'm planning on starting a new collab Let's Play with GOP1994GOP. What are we playing? Well if you haven't guessed from the title of the post, we're playing Minecraft! We're going to be doing multiplayer survival. As for how far into the game we'll play? We're going to try to visit the nether at least once (which will probably end in disaster). We'll be prerecording in bulk and release the episodes weekly (or however we see fit) on both our channels. A single episode will consist of a single day/night cycle.

We should be starting the first set of recordings tomorrow if everything goes to plan. We'll soon see!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

So, here we are hey?

Yep looks like I finally went and made a blog. Now you can keep up with all the random blathering bullshit that goes on in my life. I'll also post info about videos here so keep tabs on this here blog!